i need something to call mine.
my own. a voyage. an idea.
without anyone leading me to it or no one else going there after me.
i wouldn't want it to be a secret but by all things my second grade copy cat friend taught me, no matter what you tell or dont tell people find out.
its human nature and the biggest compliment to grab pieces of your friends out of love and comfort.
i'll tell you from the top of my head
out of my friends,
i steal ang's ablility to be headstrong and forward
i steal kaylas way of nuturing and caring for others
and because i want this list to stay small ( i gotta keep some of my sources hidden (; )
i steal my moms way of approaching life, straying away from "poor me feelings" and "embracing if you can't change the situation change your attitude"
taking pieces of peoples identity inevitable for humans. we are "monkey see mokey do-ers" and whether we like to admit it or realize it, other people form who we are as individuals.
so where does individuality begin?
no one will live the life i live.
no one meet the people i have met in life in the order i have met them and under what circumstance we met.
individuality is built to be sacred yet secured to allow you to create yourself by embracing what others show and teach you.
no one can take that away from you.
while i long for something to call mine, i must give credit when credit is due.
someone got me here, someone gave me the nudge, whisper or support to get me where i am.
a solo traveler gets lonely at the top.
it is through community where we since our belonging.